Chronic Cough



Cough receptors are triggered by mechanical (touch, displacement, acid) or chemical (cold, hot, chemicals) signals.

Subacute cough = 3 to 8 weeks

Post-infectious cough (viral, pertussis, COVID-19)

Exacerbation of underlying disease (asthma, COPD, rhinitis)

Chronic cough = >8 weeks


Non-asthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis



Laryngopharyngeal Reflux LPR


Upper Airway Cough Syndrome formerly Postnasal drip

Medication cough (ACEI, Ca2+ blockers + Bisphonates > GORD, Latanoprost)

Prolonged postinfectious cough (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Pertussis, SARS, COVID-19)

Bacterial bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis


Interstitial lung disease

Lung cancer

Aspiration (swallowing dysfunction with recurrent aspiration, foreign body)

Chronic heart failure

Vagal nerve irritation

  • Central airways compression from AVM and masses

  • Laryngeal sensory neuropathy

  • Chronic tonsillar enlargement

  • Arnold “ear cough” reflex due to foreign body or wax impaction

  • Premature ventricular contractions

  • Holmes-Adie syndrome is anisocoria and hyperhidrosis

Somatic cough disorder

Chronic refractory cough

Diagnostic algorithm

Treat if history and exam suggest UACS, asthma, GORD, infection, other obvious cause

If not obvious then CXR and treat if cause identified

If no cause then investigate or trial treatment for the most common causes

  • UACS (2 to 4 weeks trial INGCs, can consider 1st gen antihistamine e.g. Doxylamine)

  • Asthma (20 to 30% of cases - trial 4 weeks Inhaled GCs)

  • NAOB (10 to 30% of cases - trial 8 weeks Inhaled GCs)

  • GORD (2-month trial PPI)

  • Pertussis (20% of cases)

  • Unexplained chronic cough

    • Speech therapy, breathing exercises

    • Trial Inhaled GCs

    • Trial Ipratropium

    • Gabapentin or pregabalin


UpToDate - Evaluation and treatment of chronic cough [Needs Log In]

UpToDate - Causes subacute and chronic cough in adults [Needs Log In]

UpToDate - Cough evaluation algorithm [Needs Log In]

Murtagh’s Ddx - Chronic cough

Murtagh’s Ddx - Cough in kids


Unknown Fever


Back Pain