
AIS Guidelines



  • Concussion is complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain due to biomechanical forces

  • Most concussions recover in 10 to 14 days


  • Brain is an egg yolk in an egg shell

  • Acceleration / deceleration = brain shifting in skull

  • Membranes stretch

  • Potassium leaks out of neuron

  • Increased demand glucose / energy to force potassium back into neuron

  • Calcium leaks into cells + vasoconstriction + decreased cerebral blood flow = decrease energy supply

  • Concussion is mismatch of demand for energy versus supply

  • Cells struggle to operate at normal levels

  • Cells don’t die, just inefficient

  • Different systems decompensate

Risk factors

  • History of car sickness = less force causes injury

  • Migraine history

  • Strabismus

  • Anxiety

  • Females > Male (have 6 x greater incidence car sickness + migraine)

High severity of acute and subacute concussive symptoms

  • a high number of concussive symptoms

  • prolonged loss of consciousness (longer than one minute)

  • post-concussive seizure

  • previous history of concussion

  • age of the athlete

  • female sex

  • history of depression, anxiety or migraine

Six types of concussion

  • Cognitive Fatigue

  • Vestibular - Central pathways

  • Ocular - Ocular motor

  • Migraine

  • Anxiety

  • Neck - Uncommon


  • About 21 symptoms post concussion at the time of event

  • Signs

    • LOC

    • Confusion

    • Balance

    • Vomitting

  • Symptoms

    • Dizzy (Best predicts longer recovery from concussion = 6 x more predictive of longer recovery > 1 month. Maybe because players play through the injury.)

    • Foggy (2nd best predictor)

    • Detached

    • Light sens

    • Noise sens

    • Blurred vision

    • Nausea

    • Fatigue

    • Headache

    • Amnesia

  • Study comparing those taken out of play immediately versus playing on

    • Taken out immediately = 18 days

    • Playing 15 minutes through event = 44 days

    • Every minute playing through injury might add 7 to 8 days to injury


  • Impaired performance

  • Acute progressive diffuse cerebral oedema

  • Prolonged symptoms

  • Depression

  • CTE


  • Make a diagnosis

  • Differentiate other pathologies

Concussion modifiers

  • Symptoms - High number, longer duration, high severity

  • Signs - Prolonged LOC > 1min, amnesia

  • Sequelae - Prolonged concussive symptoms

  • Temporal - Frequency, repeated concussions, timing of injuries

  • Threshold - Repeated concussion with progressively less force

  • Age - Child and adolescent

  • Comorbid - Migraine, depression, mental health

  • Medication - Psychoactive, anticoagulants

  • Sports - High0risk activity, contact and collision sport


  • SCAT

Return to sport

  • Any player with suspected or confirmed concussion is not to return to play that day

  • Not allowed to return to play until complete recovery

  • Comprehensive approach

    • Cognitive and physical rest

      • Physiological stress (Exercise, Flying, Altitude)

      • Cognitive loads (Work, Video games, Computer)

    • Monitoring post-concussive symptoms + signs

      • SCAT

    • Neuropyschiatric tests

      • Common deficits are reduced attention, ability to process information, slowed reaction time, impaired memory

    • Graduated return to activity with monitoring

Treatment for long-term post concussive symptoms

  • Sleep hygiene

  • Physical exercise

  • Vestibular training

  • Medications

    • SSRI, TCA


Anal Fissure Treatment


Radiation Dosing