
Concussion / Dr Chris Levi


  • Mood = 28%

    • Risk Factor - Personal or family history of anxiety

  • Migraine = 26%

    • Personal of family history of migraine

  • Vestibular = 20%

    • Personal or family history of motion sensitivity

  • Ocular = 14%

    • History of strabismus, nystagmus or amblyopia

  • Cognitive = 12%

    • ADHD


  • Migraine profile

    • Behavioural regulation

      • No naps

      • Strict sleep schedule

      • Exercise

      • Reduced Stress

      • Regulated Diet / Hydration

    • Exertion therapy

    • If vestibular component then vestibular rehabilation

    • Medicaitons

      • Abortive and / or preventative

      • Amitryptilline

  • Cognitive Profile

    • Structred breaks during day

    • Regulated exercise

    • Regular sleep

    • cognitive Rehab

    • Device enabled cognitive traiming

    • Stimulant medications if chronic e.g. modafanil

  • Vestibular Profile

    • Vestibular Therapy

      • Retraining and rehabituation

      • Target VOR / VMS-focus therapies

    • Usually a central vestibular process

    • Environment exposures

    • Device enabled habituation

    • Targetted exertion therapy

    • Medication only if chronic and strong anxiety overlay

  • Anixety Profile

    • Exertion therapy

    • Behavioural regulation

    • Social and environmental exposures

    • CBT

    • Amitryptilline or low dose Sertraline

  • Oculo-motor profile

    • Oculo-motor exercises

    • Vision therapy and behavioural optometry

    • Device enabled habituation


Tourette Syndrome


Genetic Carrier Screening