Depression in adults

Depression or feelings of depression occur in

  • 10% of all people

  • 20% of people with a chronic physical health problem

  • 20% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people



  • “During the past month, have you been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless?”

  • “During the past month, have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things?”

  • If yes to either

    • “Is this something that you would like help with?”

  • If answer is either 1 or 2 AND yes to 3 then sensitivity is 96% and specificity is 89% for depression

  • Consider screening in pregnant / post-partum, chronically ill, new patients, multiple physical symptoms


  • Symptoms - Concentration, decrease energy, guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, sleep changes, iritability, loss of interest, low mood, sadness, emptiness, thoughts of suicide, psychosis

  • Functional impairment - Grief, psychosocial distress, decrease ability to do ADLs, relationships

  • Personal + Family History - Mental health, Previous medication or therapy, substance use, chronic health problems, life circumstance changes, trauma, social supports, domestic violence

  • Mania + Hypomania

Risk of harm

  • Are you think of suicide?

  • Consider risk to dependants through neglect

  • Risk of violence


  • Thyroid, Parkinson’s, Insomnia, CV disease, Diabetes, Dementia, Steroids, COCP, Champix

  • Consider testing physical causes (more useful if > 45 and sudden onset)

  • FBC TSH Ferritin CMP LFT B12 Folate UEC


  • K10 / DASS21


  • Appearance - Contact, dress, grooming, manner, attentiveness, prominent physical abnormalities, emotional facial expression, alertness

  • Motor - Agitation, retardation, abnormal movements, gait

  • Speech - Rate, rhythm, volume, amount, articulation, spontaneity

  • Affect - Stability, range, appropriateness, intensity, mood

  • Thought content - Suicidal ideation, depressive cognitions, obsessions, paranoid ideation, delusions

  • Thought process - Associations, perseveration, neologism, blocking, attention

  • Perception - Hallucinations, illusions, déjà vu, depersonalisation

  • Intellect - Global impression

  • Insight - Awareness of illness

Diagnostic criteria

5 or more of the following during 2 weeks with one of 1) depressed mood 2) loss of interest

  • Depressed mood

  • Loss of interest

  • Weight change

  • Sleep change

  • Psychomotor

  • Fatigue

  • Worthlessness

  • Poor concentration

  • Thoughts of death


  • Symptoms cause distress or impairment

  • Not attributable to other cause

  • Not explained by other mental health illness

  • No mania


Red Flags

  • Escalate


Stepped care model

For self-management (level 1):

For low intensity services (level 2):

For moderate intensity services (level 3):

For high intensity services and acute and specialist community mental health services (level 4 and 5):

E mental health

  • Black Dog Institute – myCompass – An interactive self‑help program designed to address mild to moderate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Includes two specific psychoeducational activities:

  • e-couch – Provides information about emotional problems, what causes them, how to prevent them and how to treat them for patients aged 15 years and older.

  • Mental Health Online – Is a treatment based online service for people (aged 18 years and older) with mental health problems, designed to support people to improve their health and overcome mental health difficulties.

  • MindSpot – Offers a number of online treatment courses for people (aged 18 years and older) with symptoms of stress, worry, anxiety, low mood and depression, including MindSpot Indigenous Wellbeing Course

  • MoodGYM – Is an online self-help program designed to help users prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety using cognitive behavioural therapy techniques.

  • OnTrack – Depression – A free online treatment program designed to help people aged ≥ 18 years recover from depression and to stop depression from coming back.

  • This Way Up – Offers online courses including depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD that patients (aged 15 years and older) can enrol in or general practitioner's can prescribe to their patients. Cost involved – see website.

Mandatory reporting

  • Young person at harm

Therapeutic relationship

  • Essential

Crisis Intervention

Safety Plan

Crisis numbers

  • 13YARN: 13‑92‑76 (24 hours, 7 days, crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients) 

  • Lifeline – phone 13‑11‑14

  • eHeadspace (patients aged ≤ 25 years) – phone 1800‑650‑890

  • Beyond Blue – phone 1300‑224‑636

  • Suicide Call Back Service – phone 1300‑659‑467

Healthy Living Strategies



Antenatal 6 weeks


Wound Management