Staph Infections

Treat active infections

  • Boils (furuncle) and abscesses (carbuncle)

    • Most can be treated with incision and drainage alone

    • Antibiotics only help if significant cellulitis (skin redness spreading away from the lesion)

      • Adults

        • Di/Flucloxacillin 500mg four times daily for 6 days OR

        • Cephalexin 500mg four times a day for 5 days (can do 1g twice daily if easier)

      • Kids

        • Di/Flucloxacillin 12.5mg / kg up to 500mg four times a day for 6 days OR

        • Cephalexin 12.5mg / kg up to 500mg for 5 days (can do 25mg /kg twice daily if easier)

          • Cephalexin better tolerated due to taste

  • Impetigo / School Sores

    • If localised skin sores then Mupirocin 2% (Bactroban) ointment or cream 3 times a day for 7 days

    • If multiple skin sores then use antibiotics listed above

Recurrent Infections

  • Aggressive strains of bacteria (usually Staph) are responsible for recurrent infections

  • These may reoccur over many months

  • Generally there is no detectable problem with a persons immune system

  • Eventually the body develops immunity but this may take up to 2 or 3 years

  • Any small abrasion (e.g. shaving skin) or wound can be a source of entry for bacteria

  • Spread of infection is common within sporting clubs, daycare, prisons, nursing homes, schools and crowded areas


  • Generally avoid antibiotics unless you have a serious infection

  • Improve your skin condiition

  • Hygienic management of cuts and scratches

  • Avoid shaving of skin especially of arm pits (use clippers or electric razor) if boils have occurred there

Manage skin integrity

  • Treat any associated scabies, eczema, psoriasis, tinea, skin trauma from shaving or scratching

  • Routine skin care

Antiseptic Washes

  • Use an antiseptic cleanser

    • Triclosame 1% or chlorhexidine 2% e.g. Phisohex skin cleanser, Microshield skin cleanser

    • Apply generous to entire body surface including scalp or hair, avoiding eyes

    • Leave on for at least 3 minutes before rinsing well

    • Use daily for 1 week then back to 2 to 3 times a week maintenance

  • Consider a bleach bath instead of the antiseptic cleanser if easier

    • Fill the bath using a 10L bucket to your desired bath level

    • Count the number of buckets used and then mark the bath with tape so you don’t have to use buckets next time

    • Add 12mL of unscented housebhold bleach for every 10L bucket

      • 4.2% sodium hypochlorite bleach e.g. White King

      • Final bleach concentration of 0.005% which is very low and shouldn’t cause any problems

    • Soak in bath for 10 minutes

    • Wash head and face with bath water

    • Wipe away crusting for weeping at infected areas with a soft disposable towel (e.g. a Chux type cloth)

    • Do not rinse skin after bath

    • Use a fresh towel with each bath but use old white towels to avoid bleaching of coloured towels

    • For recurrent staph or impetigo

      • Repeat bleach baths once daily for 5 days

      • After that can do once or twice weekly for maintenance until infections have settled



Rare Diseases


Paeds Derm