Malady Wise

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First Trimester

Dr Ailsa Borbolla Foster

Should we stack care early in first trimester?


  • History

  • FTS algorithm

    • 75% predictive of early PE < 37w (perfect screening) versus 39%

    • 45% versus 34% for > 37 weeks

PE is preventable


  • Aspirin 150mg at night from <16/40 to 36/40

Long term effects of PE

  • Pre-term babies

  • Mother

    • 4x HTN

    • 2x IHD

    • 2x Storke

    • 2 x CKD

    • 2 x T2DM

Current guidelines = Safer baby bundle

Screen other complications such as preterm birth

IMAP 11-14/40 for all women

  • US

  • Midwife + history

  • Obstetrician + plan

  • Low risk > GP or Midwife

  • High risk > Obstetrician

Growing evidence for CMV screening ? antivirals