Health Check

The average person will die from the following conditions

  • Cancers = 30% of total deaths

  • Heart diseases = 25%

  • Brain diseases = 7%

  • Metabolic diseases = 3.5%

  • Lung diseases = 6%

  • Accidents = 4%

These conditions cause the most harm

  • Mental health = 24% of total harm

  • Musculoskeletal disorders = 12%

  • Heart diseases = 10%

  • Cancer = 10%

  • Injuries = 8%

  • Brain conditions = 7%

  • Lung diseases = 7%

  • Gut diseases = 5%

  • Metabolic disorders = 4%

Rough guide to top lifestyle modifications for increasing life expectancy

  • Not smoking = Live 10 years longer than smoking

  • Maintaining a healthy weight - 5 years

  • Engaging in regular physical activity - 5 years

  • Eating a healthy diet - 3 years

  • Moderate alcohol consumption - 2 years

  • Getting adequate sleep - 1.5 years

  • Managing stress - 1.5 years

  • Engaging in social activities - 1 year

  • Maintaining healthy relationships - 1 year

  • Getting regular medical check-ups - 1 year

  • Following recommended cancer screening guidelines - 1 year

  • Getting immunized against preventable diseases - 1 year

  • Practicing safe sex - 0.5 years

  • Managing chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes - 0.5 years

  • Maintaining good dental hygiene - 0.5 years

  • Practicing safe driving habits - 0.5 years

  • Protecting skin from sun damage - 0.5 years

  • Using protective equipment at work - 0.5 years

  • Seeking treatment for mental health conditions - 0.5 years

  • Participating in preventive health programs and screenings - 0.5 years

Personal details

  • Name

  • Age

  • Gender

Social history

  • Hobbies

  • Family and supports

Family history

  • Mother

  • Maternal grandparents

  • Father

  • Paternal grandparents

  • Other

Past Medical History

  • Conditions

  • Consider 721 /723

Past Surgical History

  • Procedures

Blood tests

Imaging tests


  • Consider Home Medication Review 900

  • Medical

  • Allergies

  • Herbal

  • Supplements

  • Adherence

  • Side effects or interactions

Drug history

  • Smoking

  • Alcohol

  • Caffeine

  • Other


  • Work

  • Exposures


  • Travel

  • Infections

  • Toxic exposures

Mental health

  • Screening for depression and anxiety

  • Lifestyle modifications for stress reduction

  • Referral for counselling or psychiatric evaluation if necessary

  • Self-harm screening

  • Distress tolerance

  • Intimate partner violence screening

Cardiovascular health

  • Consider 699

  • Blood pressure measurement

  • Lipid profile test

  • Height, weight, waist

  • Assessment of cardiovascular disease risk

  • Cardiovascular prevention

Cancer screening

  • Breast cancer screening

    • Mammogram for women aged 50-74

  • Cervical cancer screening

    • CST for women aged 25-74

  • Bowel cancer screening

    • FOBT for people aged 50-74

  • Skin cancer screening

    • Skin check every 2 years

  • Lung cancer

    • Screening if high risk

  • Prostate cancer

  • Cancer prevention advice

Neurodegenerative health

  • Dementia screening

  • MMSE

  • Dementia prevention advice

Metabolic health

  • Diabetes risk assessment AUSDRISK

  • Insulin resistance screening

Sexual Health

  • Screening for sexually transmitted infections

  • Advice on contraception and family planning

  • Menopause/andropause

  • Erections

Lung health

  • Smoking history

  • Smoking cessation advice

  • Vaccinations

  • Occupational lung diseases

  • COPD / Asthma control

Liver health

  • Liver protection advice

  • MAFLD screening

Kidney health

  • Chronic Kidney Disease screening

  • BP, Urine A/CR, and eGFR measurement

  • Kidney protection advice

  • Incontinence


  • Annual influenza vaccine

  • Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (DTP) booster

  • Pneumococcal vaccine (for people aged 65 and over or at high risk)

  • Shingles vaccine (for people aged 50 and over)

  • COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters


  • Last Optometrist review

  • Eye protection advice


  • Hearing test

  • Ear protection advice


  • Last dentist review

  • Dental protection advice

Musculoskeletal health

  • Strength

  • Aerobic and anaerobic

  • Balance

  • Falls prevention

  • Osteoporosis risk assessment, consider BMD

Nutrition and gut health

  • Healthy eating

  • Weight

Other health concerns


Greater Trochanter

