Flu Vax



  • Recommended for everyone > 6 months of age

  • Especially

    • Kids 6mo to 5 years

    • Adults > 65 years

    • ATSI

    • Medical conditions

    • Pregnant women

    • Health care workers and Aged Care Facility

    • Homeless

    • Pork and poultry workers

Medical conditions at higher risk of severe flu

  • Immune compromised

  • Cardiac disease

  • Trisomy 21

  • Obesity

  • Chronic respiratory, liver, neuro or other illness

  • Long-term aspirin therapy in kids

  • Prem


  • 1 dose annually

  • 2 doses 4 weeks apart for

    • Kids 6 months to 9 years receiving vaccine for the first time

    • Receiving vaccine after stem cell or solid organ tansplant

  • Recommended in pregnancy

Adverse Events

  • Common (10%) = Inject site redness, pain, swelling

  • Rare (1 to 10%) = Fever, Malaise, Myalgia

    • Starts a few hours after vaccination and may last 1-2 days

  • Very rare = Hives, Angioedema

  • GBS, Anaphylaxis = 1 in 1,000,000


Skin checks


COVID-19 Vax