
  • Thyroid Disease

  • Menopause / Andropause

  • Chronic pain

  • Sleep disorders

  • Low iron, B12, folate

  • Cancer

  • Diet related

  • Medication / Supplements

Family History

  • Genetic similarities, consider same medication across generations e.g. mother / daughter

Case Formulation

  • What is happening to this person in this situations at this time?

  • Predisposing

  • Precipitating

  • Perpetuating

  • Protective


  • 8 to 15 pages

  • 45 minutes to 60 minutes

  • Often over multiple consults

Risk Assessment

  • Have you thought about killing yourself?

  • How would you kill yourself?

  • Have you taken any steps to enact this method?

Risk Management

  • Low Risk - Manage in community

  • Medium Risk - Manage in community with ongoing risk assessments

  • High Risk - Intervention / Admission

Mental Health Team

  • GP with special skills

  • Practice Nurse

  • Mental Health Care Nurse

  • Psychologist

  • Psychiatrist

  • Social Worker

  • Counsellor

  • Pharmacist

  • Drug and alcohol Counsellor

  • Aboriginal Health Worker


  • MHCP needs SMART Goals

  • Needs goals to be achieved in a timely manner and then close plan


For GPs to undertake early intervention, assessment and management of mental health disorders

  • Assess and Plan

  • Procide and/or refer for appropriate treatment services

  • Review and ongoing management as required



  • Record agreement

  • History (biological, psychological, social) including presenting complaint

  • MSE

  • Assessing risk + co-morbidity

  • Diagnosis and/or formulation

  • Outcome tool


  • Record agreement, including formulation/ diagnosis / provisional diagnosis

  • Identify and discuss referral + treatment options

  • Agreeing on goals with patient

  • Provide psychoeducation

  • Crisis plan if appropriate

  • Make arrangements - referrals, treatment, support, review, follow up

  • Document



  • Make your bed everyday

  • 20 minutes walking each weekday from 7am for the next week = Increase Serotonin


  • SSRI

  • SNRI

  • TCA


  • Caution with terms used and making diagnosis unless beneficial


  • 2715/2717 can be billed 12 monthly

  • A new plan should not be prepared unless clinically required and generally not within 12 months

  • Live document - should be updated each MH consult 2712

  • The first 2712 can occur at 1 month

  • Medicare does not expect more than 2 reviews in 12 months

  • Initial maximum of 6 sessions with a psychologist, need to specify the number of sessions

  • Can then do 4 more for a total of 10 / calendar year


  • Read the MBS description

  • Should usually be done over multiple consults, particularly if a newer patient

  • Need to rule out organic contributing factors, substance use

  • Can use a provisional diagnosis or formulation

  • Don’t diagnose something unless fulfils ICD-10 criteria

  • Anxiety / Depression isn’t a diagnosis, Document ICD-10 code if able

  • Careful diagnosing conditions such as major depression for a transient life stressor e.g. grief, bullying, exam stress, relationship breakdown

  • Diagnosis has tremendous implications for applying for defence force, life insurance especially if suicide, and for a patient’s overall well-being e.g. incorrect labelling of BPD in 18yo


  • Consult 1 - Fatigue (10min = 23 PB) + Start MHCP for anxiety (10min - nothing billed)

  • Consult 2 - Review blood tests (10min = 23 PB) + Continue MHCP (10 min - nothing billed)

  • Consult 3 - MHCP only for 25 min (+ 10 mins + 10min) = 2717




Rare Diseases