Malady Wise

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Systemic Sclerois (SSc)

Chronic multisystem disease with vascular problems and progressive fibrosis of skin and organs

Broad spectrum of disease

Thickened, hardened skin


Limited cutaneous SSc - Puffy fingers. Skin sclerosis distal to elbows and knee. Often Raynaud’s. Many have CREST (Calcinosis Cutis, Raynaud’s, Oesophageal Dysmotility, Sclerodactyly, Telangectasis)

Diffuse cutaneous Ssc - Puffy hands. Thick skin. More likely to progress to lung, renal and heart problems.

SSc sine scleroderma - No skin involvement but clinnical features or positive blood tests.

Ss with Overlap Syndrome - Any of above + SLE, RA, PM, Sjogren’s


About 1: 3000. Mostly female.



  • Skin thickening and hardening

  • Fingers, hands and face earliest

  • Pruritus in the early stages

  • Edema in the early stages

  • Skin hyperpigmentation or depigmentation ("salt and pepper")

  • Loss of appendicular hair

  • Dry skin

  • Capillary changes at the nail beds

  • Lipoatrophy

  • Ulcerations over the distal interphalangeal joints (DIP) and proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP) related to repetitive microtrauma over tightened skin

  • Digital tip ulcers and/or pitting at the fingertips

  • Telangiectasia

  • Degos-like lesions

  • Calcinosis cutis


Raynaud’s Phenomenom


Include arthralgia, arthritis, tendinitis, tendon friction rubs, and small and large joint contractures


90% have GIT features

Dysphagia and choking, heartburn, hoarseness, cough after swallowing, early satiety, bloating, alternating constipation and diarrhea, episodic pseudo-obstruction and bacterial small bowel overgrowth with malabsorption, and fecal incontinence


80% have lung features

Commonest are ILD and Pulmonary Vasculsr Disease (e.g. PAH)


Any part of heart can be affected


60% have renal damage


FBC, UEC, CK, Urinalysis

ANA (positive in 95%)

ENA (Anti-Scl-70, ACA, AntiRNA polymerase III AB, Antiboides to Th/To)

AntiScl-70 has sensitivity of 20 to 50% but specificity of 99.5%

RF, anti-CCP, Anti-DsDNA

Consider CXR + PFTs, Echo