
PB 23 + split BB / 93680 Smoking cessation = $135

PB 23 + split BB / 2713 / 2712 / 2715 Mental health = $160

PB 23 + split BB / 73806 / 16500 Anetnatal care = $140

PB 23 + split BB / 93644 COVID = $125

PB 23 + split BB procedure / test

  • Procedures: Implanon, Zoladex, I+D abscess, Laceration, Fracture, Foreign body, Biopsy

  • Tests: Urine BCG, ECG, Spirometry, ABI

  • HMMR

MBS Billing Update 2023

Most of us:

  • Use only a few MBS item numbers

  • Underbill everything

  • Aren’t compliant with MBS rules

The reasons for this: 

  • It’s easier billing timed-based consults such as 23s and 36s

  • It requires less time on documentation

  • No one has actually read the MBS

  • Too much effort to learn the rules

  • Fear of being audited

MBS Guides


Australian Doctor -

Sydney North Health Network -


Can email for clarification on specific item numbers

HNE Pathways

Guide to MBS -

Facebook groups

Most questions you have about MBS have been asked before and answered by other GPs

Business for Doctors -

MBS Education for Health Professionals

Services Australia -

Questions + Mini audit

If anyone thinks it may be helpful, I’m happy to do a mini MBS audit on your patients.

Look at a few days of billings, see what you did in those consults, and identify any mistakes and more importantly any missed billing opportunities.

(? CPD points)

MBS Updates March 2023

Can’t bill ear toilet microscopy (41647) unless other disorders of the ear present

Business for Doctors

  • Run by GP Dr. Armstrong - Probably knows more than anyone else about the MBS

  • Useful 1-day workshop, 8 hours = $700

  • Printed MBS guide = $100, worth skimming once

  • Website + videos = $30 / month


Combination billings model 

Uses all available MBS items numbers

Billing for services that you are already providing and are not getting paid for


  • Makes more money

  • Reduces out of pocket cost to the patient

  • More compliant with MBS rules


  • Takes time and effort to learn

  • Need to know and be compliant with MBS rules

  • More documentation

  • Higher risk audit because earning more


Billing multiple items together in one transaction

BB 721 + 723 + 10990

Split billing

Billing multiple item numbers in different transactions, usually PB and then BB

PB 23 presenting complaint (10min) + split BB 2713 (22min) unrelated

Combination Billing Tips

If planning to add combination billing into your practice:

  • Aim for 1 x combination billing per hour initially

  • Eventually, increase this to 2 per hour

  • Initially might need to drop 1 or 2 appointments per session to allow time to document correctly

  • Should be able to bill $400 per hour consistently

Combination Billing Rules

  • Always write notes in order of the presenting complaint

    1. Usually privately bill the presenting complaint to simplify

    2. If audited, need to know presenting complaint

  • Document each item number thoroughly + contemporaneously

    1. Don’t leave notes open to complete later

  • Be certain time is equal to the minimum combination time

  • Always notify the patient of consult fees, including bulk-billing items

    1. “We spent a bit of time doing extra things today that medicare has specific payments for. Thankfully it doesn’t cost you any more and actually saves you money. Reception will put through some extra items numbers as a second transaction. It doesn’t cost you anything”

  • Split bill when privately billing the initial presentation

  • Make notations as recommended

    1. Presenting complaint

    2. Clinically urgent

    3. Not related

    4. Time-stamping

    5. Not normal aftercare

  • Underestimate rather than overestimate

  • Only bill services that meet MBS requirements in their entirety

  • Follow-up rejected claims

  • Spend 5 minutes checking billings at end of the day 


Six reasons for audits

  • 80/20 rule 

    • 80 total services per day for more than 20 days per year

    • Excludes COVID vaccines

    • Excludes BB incentive numbers

  • 30/20 rule

    • 30 phone services per day for more than 20 days per year

  • Top tier billing e.g. top 5% of GPs 

  • A rapid increase in billing 

    • e.g. Jump from 200k per year billings to 700k per year billings

  • Outlier billing pattern e.g. 90% consults are 44, billing 20 x 721 in a day

  • Snitches get stitches 

    • Complaints about obvious infractions e.g. billing deceased patients

Audits shouldn’t matter if you are compliant with the rules of the MBS

Time-based consults

F2F / Phone / Video

3 / 91890 / 91790 = $40            (OOP cost = $20)

23 /91891 / 91800 = $85          (OOP cost = $45)

F2F / V

36 / 91801 = $145       (OOP cost = $70)

36 / 91801 + $35 gap   (OOP cost = $35)

44 / 91802 = $190 (OOP cost = $75)

Time-based consults should only be billed if another more accurate item number doesn’t exist

E.g. Inserting an implanon and billing a 23 or 36 instead of a 14206 is incorrect

MBS: 23 / Explanatory notes: AN.09.

22-minute consult

Tricky billing area. Traditionally could be in any of these ways:

23 PB = 1 item + 12min chat about patients European holiday

36 BB = 3-month old, 100 yo, the patient is a doctor, chronic disability

36 PB = 5 items, optimal consult, diagnosed cancer, cured depression

There is a fourth billing option.

36 PB + $35 gap = (Costs $110, OOP cost = $35)

This might be appropriate for a 22 min consult where you do more than a 23 PB but not enough to justify a 36 PB

A better option than billing a 23 PB as earns more money and reduces the OOP cost from $45 to $35

Procedure + Time-based consult 

You can bill a time-based consult with any procedure as long as there is an actual consult performed and documented. 

E.g. If inserting an implanon, there’s no reason not to spend at least 6 minutes talking about contraception education, periods, STIs, CST, breast screening, PCOS, acne, alcohol, exercise, HEEADSSS, family history, DV screening, vaccines, or update MHR.

PB 14206 (Implanon) = $85

+ split BB 73806 (urine BHCG) = $10

+ BB 23 (consult - not related - time 10min) = $40

Total = $135

Sample billing notes

PB 14206 + split BB 73806 + BB 23 consult, not related, time = ^ min

Implanon insertion and removal

30062 (removal) = $60

14206 (insertion) = $40

You can’t bill an Implanon removal and insertion on the same arm, through the same hole in the skin, because of the rules.

You would bill 30026 for removal + 23 for insertion

Can bill 30062 + 14206 if taken out of the left arm and inserted into the right

Sample billing notes

PB 30062 + split BB 14206

PB 30062 + split BB 23 consult, not related, time = ^ min

MBS: 30062 / 14206

Smoking Cessation

F2F: 93680 / V: 93690 / P: 93700 = $40 = <20 min

F2F: 93683 / V: 93693 / P: 93703 = $70 = >20 min

Phone, telehealth, F2F.

Unlimited amount of billings, even if the patient is pre-contemplative.

Unrestricted: Can bill with any other item number


  • History

  • Nicotine dependence +/- exam

  • Arrange interventions + referrals

  • Plan

  • Advice + preventative information$File/faq-smokcess.pdf

MBS: 93680 / 93690 / 93700

Antenatal care

F2F: 16500 / V: 91853 / P: 91858 = $40

You can bill 23 + 16500 at the first presentation and diagnosis of pregnancy. 

PB 23 (unrelated) = $85

+ split BB 73806 (Urine BHCG) = $10

+ BB 16500 = $40

Total = $135

(+/- Smoking cessation +/- Non-directive counselling)

Sample documentation

1/ Presenting complaint

Pt suspects pregnancy, planned / unplanned, LMP, Periods, Contraception, Medication R/V, MH R/V, IPV screen, BP etc

PB 23, presenting complaint, diagnosis of pregnancy, start time 15:40

2/ Urine pregnancy test

= Positive

BB 73806

3/ Antenatal consult

Discussed care options etc 

BB 16500, start time 15:50

Sample billing notes:

23 PB consult, time = ^ min + split 73806 BB + 16500 BB, not related

MBS: 16500 / 91853 / 91858

Unrelated Items

Can bill a 3 / 23 at any antenatal consult if an issue unrelated to pregnancy is managed:

  • Iron or Vitamin D deficiency

  • Chlamydia / Gonorrhoea

  • Asthma management

28 weeks+ Planning and management of pregnancy

16591 = $130


  • Pregnancy has progressed past 28 weeks and practitioner is providing shared care but not undertaking the birth

  • Mental health assessment including drug and alcohol use and domestic violence

  • Payable once per pregnancy

MBS: 16591

4-8 weeks post-partum

F2F: 16407 / V: 91851 / P: 91856= $75


  • 4 to 8 weeks after the birth

  • 20 minutes

  • Includes mental health assessment, screen for drugs, alcohol + DV

  • Payable once per pregnancy

MBS: 16407

Non-Directive Pregnancy Support Counselling

F2F: 4001, V: 92136, P: 92138= $80

Free training via GP Learning

Need to wait for a letter to arrive before billing

Unrestricted - can be billed with any other item number


  • Pregnant or pregnant within 12 months

  • At least 20 min

  • Up to 3 services per patient per pregnancy, resets each pregnancy

Useful for unplanned pregnancy, TOP, miscarriage, FDIU, peripartum depression

If the consult is 36 + 4001 + 2713, then the minimum time is 20 min each component, total consult needs to be 1 hour+

MBS: 4001 / Notes: AN.0.66

Sexual and Reproductive Health

V: 92715 / P: 92731 = < 5 min = $11

V: 92718 / P: 92734 = 5 - 20 min = $40

V: 92721 / P: 92737 = 20 - 40 min = $75

V: 92724 / P: 92740 = > 40 min = $110

Available for telephone and telehealth

Unplanned pregnancy, menopause, cervical screening counselling, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, contraception, endo, PCOS, STI counselling, libido, ED, infertility, blood-borne diseases HIV, Hep, Malaria


  1. History

  2. Arrange investigation as necessary

  3. Management plan

  4. Preventative health

Any phone consult involving reproductive health with other issues could be

PB 91891 = $85

+ split BB 92734 = $40

Total = $125

Sample billing:

PB 91891 consult, time = ^ min + split BB 92734, not related

MBS: 92734

COVID-19 vaccine suitability

93644 = $35

Assess COVID-19 vaccine suitability

Must be bulk billed

Must have vaccine available to give$File/PDF%20Version%20Factsheet-Medicare%20Support%20for%20COVID-19%20Vaccinations-20.01.2023.pdf

MBS: 93644 / 10660 Notes: AN.44.1

10660 = $40


  • In-depth discussion associated with 93644

  • Lasting more than 10 min

  • Detailed history

  • Complex exam and management

  • Bulk-billed

  • Can be claimed only once per patient

  • Can be co-claimed

Sample billing:

BB 93644 + BB 10660

COVID-19 Anti-viral Treatment Assessment

93716 = $75


  • > 20 min

  • History

  • Investigation if needed

  • Plan + follow up

  • Treatment including antivirals if appropriate

  • Preventative health if appropriate

  • Confirm COVID-19 diagnosis officially, record this

  • End Dec 31, 2023

  • No co-claiming same attendance

MBS: 93716 / Notes: AN.46.1


Flu clinic options

6 x 10 min appointments per hour

3 = Fluvax only = $20

23 = Fluvax + more = $40

  • Update file (smoking, alcohol, allergies, family history, ethnicity, clean up past history, upload MHR summary)

  • Measure (BP, Ht, Weight, Waist)

  • Print script if your patient (simple only - Ventolin, Advantan)

  • Discuss what’s due and suggest rebooking (721 / 723 / 707 / 715, CST, Mammogram, FOBT, BMD)

  • Vaccine (Shingles, Pneumovax, Boostrix, 2nd Hep A)

93644 = COVID-19 suitability = $35

Flu vaccine and COVID19 vaccine can be billed together. See Notes: AN.44.1

ATAGI has advised that a COVID-19 vaccination and an influenza vaccination can be administered at the same time. These services may be provided during the same attendance.

A vaccine suitability assessment MBS item would be billed for the COVID-19 vaccination. Influenza vaccine services are typically administered with standard MBS attendance items.

Sample billing:

BB 23 consult, not related, time = min + BB 93644

93680 = Smoking cessation = $30

  • Particularly if your patient and you have already had a smoking cessation discussion previously

Chronic Disease

721 = $150

723 = $120

732 = $75

Chronic disease last >6 months

If not sure if a condition qualifies, it probably doesn’t, don’t bill it and check later

The minimum billing time for 721 / 723 is 12 months, 732 is 3 months

Medicare suggests billing 2 yearly for 721 / 723 and 6 monthly for 732

Should be billing lots of GPMP 721 only for simple chronic conditions e.g. asthma, eczema, psoriasis, OSA, OA

Can bill 2 x 732 on the same day, need to annotate whether GPMP or TCA and time of each

TCA 723 needs 2 additional team members, one can be a doctor

Need evidence that team members will accept the patient before billing 723, could be a phone call

Any specialist letter counts as an acceptance

Need to re-obtain acceptance every time you bill 723

Can’t bill time-based consults with 721 / 723 / 732 

Often audited: Main errors are usually proformas and not personalising, not using SMARTER goals


Can choose to privately bill 721 or 723

PB 723 ($155 with $120 rebate) + split BB 721 +/- 10990

Total = $300, pt OOP = $35

Health Assessments

701 = $62 (<30 min)

703 = $145 (30-45min)

705 = $200 (45-60m)

707 = $280 (60m+)

Time with our wonderful nurses count, book 20-60 min with a Nurse, aim for 705 or 707


  • 45-49 high-risk chronic diseases (every 3 years)

  • 40-40 high-risk diabetes (once)

  • 75+ (every 12 months)

  • Residential care residents (every 12 months)

  • Intellectual disability (every 12 months) - CHAP

  • Refugees (once)

  • Former ADF (once)

ATSI Peoples Health Assessment

715 = $220

Every 9 months

Three categories <15, 15yo to 54yo, 55+

Different elements depending on age group

  • History, exam, investigations

  • Overall assessment

  • Appropriate interventions

  • Advice + Info

  • Keep a record, offer to the patient/carer

Healthy Heart Assessment

699 = $75

Patients age 30 years + at risk of developing cardiovascular disease (every 12 months)

20min +

? Currently ends June 2023

Can bill 699 + 23 if clinically urgent


  • History

  • Exam, BP, Cholesterol

  • Interventions, referrals

  • Plan

  • Preventative health advice

Addit 01/03/2023: Nurse time counts as per AN.14.2

Mental Health Care Plans

2715 = $100 (20-40m)

2717 = $140 (40m+)

2712 + 2713 = $75

Training required for higher value item numbers 2715 / 2717

Eligibility criteria Chapter V of ICD-10 from 1996 - Primary care version


  • Record agreement

  • History including presenting complaint

  • MSE

  • Assessing risk + co-morbidity

  • Diagnosis and/or formulation

  • Outcome tool


  • Record agreement, including formulation/diagnosis / provisional diagnosis

  • Referral + treatment options

  • Agreeing on goals with patient

  • Psychoeducation

  • Crisis plan if appropriate

  • Make arrangements - referrals, treatment, support, review, follow up

  • Document


  • 2715/2717 can be billed 12 monthly

  • “A new plan should not be prepared unless clinically required and generally not within 12 months”

  • Live document - should be updated each MH consult 2712 (can’t find evidence that needs formal adding to MHCP if 2713 done)

  • The first 2712 can occur at 1 month

  • Medicare does not expect more than 2 reviews in 12 months

  • Initial maximum of 6 sessions with a psychologist, need to specify the number of sessions

  • Can then do 4 more for a total of 10 / calendar year


  • Read the MBS description

  • Should usually be done over multiple consults, particularly if a newer patient

  • Need to rule out organic contributing factors, substance use

  • Can use a provisional diagnosis or formulation

  • Don’t diagnose something unless fulfils ICD-10 criteria.

  • Anxiety / Depression isn’t a diagnosis, Document ICD-10 code if able.

  • Careful diagnosing conditions such as major depression for a transient life stressor e.g. grief, bullying, exam stress, relationship breakdown

  • Diagnosis has tremendous implications for applying for defence force, life insurance especially if suicide, and for a patient’s overall well-being e.g. incorrect labelling of BPD in 18yo

Can accumulate time for MHCP billing over multiple consults

Consult 1 - Fatigue (10min = 23 PB) + Start MHCP for anxiety (10min - nothing billed)

Consult 2 - Review blood tests (10min = 23 PB) + Continue MHCP (10 min - nothing billed)

Consult 3 - MHCP only for 25 min (+ 10 mins + 10min) = 2717

** MBS Billing - Part II **

Update from last time

  • Nurse time counts for 699

  • MHCP live document, should update with 2712, don’t need to update with 2713

  • HPMI MBS talk tonight

23 + 2713 / 2712 / 2715 / 2717

Allowed when the presenting complaint is NOT mental health and the consult turns into mental health

Minimum time = 26 minutes (20 min + 6 min)

Must be time-stamped and timing sent to Medicare 

23 PB presenting complaint, 10 min = $85

+ split 2713 BB not related 25 min = $75

Total = $160

Sample billing:

23 PB presenting complaint, time = ^ min + split 2713 BB not related, time = ^ min 

2713 / 2712 / 2715 / 2717 + 23

Only claimable if the 23 is clinically urgent - “acute”

Anything that cannot wait until tomorrow due without possibly causing an adverse outcome

2713 PB 22 min - presenting complaint + split 23 BB not related - clinically urgent - 8 min 

Sample billing:

2713 PB presenting complaint, time = ^ min + split 23 BB not related, clinically urgent, time = ^ min 

2713 + non-urgent

If you do a mental health consultation and then a non-urgent pap smear for example

You can’t bill 2713 + 23 accurately as this is non-urgent and not allowed

You can then default to a time-based consultation of 36 or 44

Home Medication Review HMR

900 = $160

  • If a patient presents for HMR - Can’t bill 900 + 23

  • However, you can bill 23 for any other presenting complaint + then bill 900 opportunistically

  • Can be billed with any item number opportunistically

  • Generally not more frequent than 12 monthly unless clinically indicated

  • Patients like them, pharmacists like them, pharmacist rebate = $220, pharmacist limit is 30 / month

Think of all patients on medication as potentially eligible.

  • Commencing Insulin / T2DM

  • Drugs of addiction - Opioids, Benzos, Chronic pain

  • Psychotropics - Stimulants / SSRI / SNRI / Antipsychotics

  • IHD / CVA / Anticoagulants / Warfarin


  • Having a chronic medical condition or a complex medication regimen; and

  • Not having their therapeutic goals met


  • 5 or more medications

  • 12 or more doses of medication per day

  • Significant changes made to medication in the last three months

  • Narrow therapeutic index

  • Symptoms suggestive of an adverse drug reaction

  • Suboptimal response to treatment

  • Suspected non-compliance

  • Language barrier, dexterity problems, impaired sight

  • Numerous doctors and specialists

  • Recent discharge

Pharmacist only gets paid if fulfils criteria

  • Otherwise patient may have a private fee


  1. Explanation + consent

  2. Refer to pharmacist

  3. Pharmacist talks to patient, sends report to GP

  4. Patient sees GP

  5. GP discusses report

  6. GP rings pharmacist to discuss

  7. Copy offered to patient

  8. Copy offered to HMMR pharmacist + dispensing pharmacist

  9. Document with shortcuts

  10. Bill

Can arrange to do all HMR with 1 pharmacist and schedule a phone call every month to review all patients over that time frame

Chronic Disease Combinations

Yearly review. Book 20 to 60 min with Nurse. 

Book 721 + 723  ( 1 to 2 yearly ) + 732 / 732 ( 3 to 6 monthly )

  • 12 monthly 721/723 + 3 monthly 732/732 (x3)

  • 12 monthly 721/723 + 4 monthly 732/732 (x2)

  • 18 monthly 721/723 + 6 monthly 732/732 (x2)

  • 24 monthly 721/723 + 6 monthly 732/732 (x3)

+/- Health assessment ( 707 / 715 ) 

  • Might be appropriate to do 721 / 723 / 707 all at once e.g. 75yo, non-compliant diabetic, the only time you can guarantee you will see them is once a year before their RMS forms are due

  • CHAP assessments

+/- Home Medications Review ( 900 )

Offer during 721 / 723, bill opportunistically at the next appointment

+/- Mental health review ( 2712 / 2713 )

  • Can’t do 721 + MHCP for the same condition, need a chronic disease AND a mental health diagnosis

  • Can’t generally use 10 x psychologist appointments in MHCP and 5 x allied health in TCA for a psychologist. 

  • Could justify if 2 significant mental health conditions requiring different types of treatment (PTSD + Depression + Bipolar + Autism + ADHD) or if a concurrent medical condition that might benefit from psychology (e.g. Chronic pain, obesity management, coming to terms with a cancer diagnosis, low mood post-AMI). 

+/- Smoking cessation ( 93680 ) 

+/- COVID-19 assessment (93644)

+/- Investigations + Procedures

+/- Antenatal care (16500)

+/- Non-directive pregnancy counselling (4001)

+/- 10997 +/- 10090


ECG (11707) = $20


  • ECG trace to inform decision making

  • Does not need to be fully interpreted or reported

Spirometry (11506 ) = $20


  • Pre + post bronchodilator

  • To confirm, assess or monitor COPD / asthma / other lung diseases

Spirometry (11505) = $40


  • Pre + post bronchodilator

  • 3 or more recordings

  • Once per 12 months

ABI (11610) = $60


  • Measurement of posterior tibial, dorsalis pedis and brachial arterial pressures bilaterally using Doppler

  • Calculate systemic pressure indices for evaluation of lower extremity arterial diseases

  • Hard copy trace and report

Urine BHCG (73806) = $10


  • Pregnancy test by 1 or more immunochemical methods

MBS: 11505 / 11506 / 11707 / 11610 / 73806


14206 (insertion) = $30

Same as Implanon.


Can bill fracture management item numbers if seen and diagnosed in public ED if you are managing ongoing.

Can’t if managed in private ED.

47471 (rib fracture) = $40 

MBS: 47471

47348 Carpal bone (not scaphoid)- treatment of #; AC 6 weeks $83.15

47354 Scaphoid Bone- treatment of #; AC 3 months $149.90

47301 Phalanx fractures- closed reduction with Local anaesthesia; AC 6 weeks $76.80

47361 Distal end radius and/or ulna- cast immobilisation; AC 8 weeks $116.60

47378 Shaft of radius or ulna- cast immobilisation; AC 8 weeks $148.60

47387 Shaft of radius and ulna- cast immobilisation; AC 3 months $241.40

47405 Radial head/neck fracture closed reduction; AC 8 weeks $166.45

47396 Olecranon- immobilisation and or reduction; AC 8 weeks $166.45

47423 Proximal Humerus- treatment of #; AC 3 months $191.50

47444 Shaft of Humerus- treatment of #; AC 3 months $199.90

47462 Clavicle- treatment of #; AC 4 weeks $99.80

47471 Ribs- for 1 or more #s and can be charged for each attendance $38.05

47466 Sternum- treatment of #; AC 4 weeks $99.80

47735 Nasal bones- treatment of #; AC 4 weeks $38.10


30026 (superficial, <7cm, not face) = $45 

30032 (superficial, <7cm, face or neck) = $90

Includes wound glue and staples (sutures, tissue adhesive resin or clips)

MBS: 30026 / 30032

Foreign body

Most foreign bodies have an item number.

30064 = $120 (subcut FB)

Removal of subcut foreign body requiring incision and exploration +/- wound closure

MBS: 30064

30061 = $25 (superficial FB)

Removal of superficial foreign body including cornea / sclera

MBS: 30061

41500 = $90 (FB from ear)

Removal of foreign body from ear other than simple syringing.

MBS: 41500

41659 = $70 (FB from nose)

Removal of FB other than by simple probing

MBS: 41659

Incision and Drainage

30216 = $30 (Aspiration Haematoma)

30219 = $30 (I+D Haematoma / Abscess / Furuncle)

Aspiration of haematoma, furuncle, small abscess or similar lesion

MBS: 30216 / 30219

Burns dressing

30003 = $30 (localised)

30006 = $40 (extensive)

Can be billed for each dressing, but requires the doctor to physically place the dressing on the skin

Can’t bill 23 / 36 if the consult is only burns dressing

MBS: 30003 / 30006


41677 = $80 (Nosebleed, arrest by cautery or packing)

MBS: 41677

Nail removal

46513 = $50 (Nail removal, finger)

47904 = $50 (Nail removal, toe)

MBS: 46513 / 47904

Abandoned surgery

30001 = 50% of the procedure fee

Is co-billed with the original planned procedure number


  • Patient is in a procedure room

  • Patient or operatively site is sufficiently anaesthetised to do the procedure

  • Patient is positioned or the operative site is prepared with antiseptic or draping

MBS: 30001

Unrestricted items

Can bill these with any items numbers

  • 16500 - Antenatal care

  • 4001 - Non-directive pregnancy counselling

  • 93680 - Smoking cessation

  • 93644 - COVID vaccine suitability assessment

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, pathology, imaging

Multiple attendances

  • Different problems, 9am sore throat + 4pm ankle # - Can bill both, annotate with times + unrelated.

  • Same problem, ankle # and returned after Xray - Can combine time of both consults.


ATSI health worker or Nurse numbers can be billed even if you aren’t in the practice

  • 10987 - Claimed by Nurse if ATSI pt has a 715, up to 10 per year

  • 10988 - Immunisation is given by Nurse to ATSI pt

  • 10989 - Wound management by Nurse to ATSI pt

No item number for saying hello to a patient when the Nurse gives a vaccine.

  • Needs to be an actual consult completed

  • Document or it didn’t happen

  • Should probably be a 3, not a 23 unless you do more than 6 min


Several common pathology tests have MBS criteria

  • Iron studies

  • Thyroid function

  • Vitamin D

  • HbA1c

  • Hepatitis serology

  • Blood group

When ordering pathology for both private and MBS rebatable tests, you should provide two separate pathology forms.

Indicate which is private and which is MBS rebatable.

Vitamin D 

Check criteria, advise the patient of private fee, and privately order if they do not meet criteria

  • Signs and symptoms of osteoporosis

  • Increased ALP

  • High or low PTH, CMP

  • Malabsorption

  • Deeply pigmented skin, chronic lack of sun exposure for cultural, medical, occupational or residential reasons

  • Medications that lower Vit D

  • CKD

  • Rickets

  • Infant of a mother with known low Vit D

  • Exclusively breastfed baby and at least one other risk factor above

  • Sibling under 16 with known low Vit D

Worker’s compensation / Insurance 


AA010 / T = $44 (<5 min)

AA020 / T = $89 (5 to 20 min)

AA030 / T = $162 (20 to 40 min)

AA040 / T = $250 (40 min +)

Time-based consults

WC001 = $50 (Initial certificate bonus)

  • Initial certificate of capacity, payable once

  • The first presentation of WC injury should always be WC001 + usually AA030

WC002 = $25 / 5 min (discussions)


  • Discussion with employer

  • Case conferencing

  • Visiting worksites

  • Reviewing injury management or recovery at work plans

  • Addition requested reports

WC004 = $ Cost price (dressings)

  • Dressing, bandages

WC005 = $60 for electronic record, $40 paper + per page

  • Providing copies of medical records

  • Including doctors notes if requested

>20 min consult

  • Always check the time

  • Uncommonly is a Work Cover certificate < 20 minutes

  • Should mostly be billing AA030 not AA020

Insurance medical report requests

  • Insurance companies are jerks

  • Bill the maximum or WC rate equivalent

WC consult + non-WC issues e.g. script

Bill WC number e.g. AA020 + close file

Open file + bill 3 / 23 etc

Better to separate consults for when Work Cover requests patient notes later

Multiple patients

Often you see a patient with a parent, partner or carer.

If you choose to do a consult for the other family members, document it and bill it.

Kids check + vaccines - 2/52, 6/52, 4/12, 6/12, 12/12

+ 3/23 BB for mother

  • Birth history + trauma, LUSCS scar healing

  • Breastfeeding

  • Contraception

  • Mental health and parental stress + cope

Sick kid with sick sibling/parent

Patient + their carer

Any couple that comes in together

Kid + parent

+ 3/23 BB

  • Infectious diseases, URTI, Gastro, Impetigo

  • Joint mental health issues

  • Environmental exposures

  • Carer stress

Travel consult for a family

+ 23 BB for everyone

  • Water hygiene, mosquito avoidance, vaccinations

Not Discussed

  • Case conferences

  • Focus Psychological strategies

  • Skin lesions

  • Eating disorders

  • DVA + CVC

Sample combination for a patient

  • 10yo kid post admission to JHH for acute asthma via ambulance

  • Background atopy, eczema, hayfever, anaphylaxis peanuts

  • Multiple medications.

  • 3 x hospitalisations for bronchiolitis when younger

First appointment - 23 + 2713 (asthma check, debrief anxiety, post-traumatic experience, based on formulation)

Second appointment - 23 / 36 + 11506 (spirometry), review asthma + spirometry, refer for HMR 900 + spend 10 minutes on starting MHCP formulation

Third appointment - Nurse + GP, 721 + 723, do asthma + anaphylaxis action plan, spend 10 minutes on mental health formulation

Fourth appointment - Finish MHCP 2717. Spend 25 minutes and accumulate extra minutes from previous appointments used for mental health to get time over 40 minutes

Fifth appointment - Asthma + anaphylaxis review, Nurse first, 23 + 10997, opportunistic 900 if done

Notes from HPMI MBS meeting 16/03/2023


  • Usual GP + 2 other members, one of which can be another doctor

  • Need Practice Nurse included allowing billing of 10997 when reviewed

  • Each member must provide a different service

  • Not all need to be medical or allied health

  • Family not included

  • Need to discuss steps with the patient, record agreeance

  • SMARTER goals and actions needed to take

  • Offer copy to the patient

  • Bill 721 and put 723 on hold until received confirmation

  • Date 723 bill is the date confirmation received

  • TCA heavily audited

  • TCA confirmation needs collaboration and useful information, not just a signed agreement letter

  • The letter sent off needs a request of what is desired from the team member to help the patient

  • Can’t review TCA if no collaboration in the time frame between reviews


  • After March 31, 2023

  • Need email agreement to BB telehealth from patient

  • Need to email patient with details of consult