Kawasaki - RCH
Second commonest vasculitis in kids behind HSP
Medium vessel vasculopathy, any organ can be affected
Lack of treatment leads to coronary artery aneurysm in 25%
75% of cases occur < 5 years
Can present without ALL diagnostic criteria
KD Criteria = fever for 5 days plus 4/5 of
Eyes - Bilateral, non-exudative, painless conjunctival injection, with limbic sparing
Rash - Red, polymorphous, trunks and limbs, variable but commonly maculopapular similar to EM or Scarlet Fever
Mouth - Red, dry, cracked lips with diffuse red oropharynx including strawberry tongue
Limbs - Red, painful swelling hands and feet that desquamates in week 2
Lymph nodes - Cx lymphadenopathy, unilateral, tender, >1.5cm
Common additional findings
Neuro - Irritability, aseptic meningitis
GIT - Abdo pain, vomit, diarrhoea
Joint - Arthralgias and arthritis
Incomplete KD
Sick kid with history suspicious for KD but doesn’t fulfil criteria
Bloods tests for CRP and ECR
If low, serial bloods and echo
If high, and 3 or more abnormal other bloods or echo then treat
Group A Strep
Virus including EBV, CMV, Adenovirus, HHV-6, SARS-CoV2
Toxic shock syndrome
Steven John Syndrome
Drug reaction
Echo at presentation, then 2 weeks and 6 weeks
All patients FBC, CRP, ESR, UEC, LFT, Blood culture, ASOT, Serum stored, Urine MCS, COVID-19 swab, ECG
IVIg as a single dose
Aspirin 3-5mg/kg orally daily until normal echo, minimum 6 weeks
Corticosteroids (limited evidence)