

  • Storage - Urgency

  • Voiding - Straining, hesitancy, drawn out urination, terminal dribbling

  • Overlap - Frequency = either bladder not filling properly or not emptying properly

    • Make 100mL urine per hour roughly

Red Flags

  • Prostate cancer

    • Advanced - Back pain, neurological anaemia

    • Early - No specific symptoms except outflow

    • Ask about why you are here? = Ask about concern about prostate cancer or do you want to improve your symptoms?

    • DRE + PSA

  • Bladder Cancer

    • Smokers

    • Frank painless haematuria

  • Men don’t get UTIs

    • If UTI and male > 50 consider investigating for more sinister causes

Case 1

  • 72yo, 7/12 of frequency and nocturia, 4-6 weeks of straining, no terminal dribbling, no incomplete emptying, no haematuria or dysuria, no back pain or night sweats, on Ramipril and Atorvastatin

  • Normal to get up through night x 1 in 60s, x 2 in 70s and x 3 in 80s

  • Voiding diary useful (how often, how much in 24 hours should be 1.5 to 2L)

  • Straining = probably obstructive = prostate

  • Start with alpha-blockers, work quickly (Tamsulosin - if works then can take indefinitely)

  • Would consider DRE + PSA

  • Fruit - Walnut, Plum , Tangerine, Orange = 60g


  • Blood test

  • Gives you relative risk for prostate cancer

  • Higher = more likely only

  • False positives = can be raised and no cancer

  • Normal DRE + PSA upper limit of normal + no family history = 3% chance of biopsy showing significant cancer

  • If referring on to specialist

    • PSA, UEC, Urine MCS

    • Ultrasound for PVR if able


  • Alpha blocker and review 2 to 4 weeks

    • Warn about hypotension

  • Finasteride / Dutasteride

    • Long term shrinkage of prostate over 3 to 6 months

    • Reduces PSA by 20 to 80%

Case 2

  • As above except PSA is 8.1

  • Refer on to Urology

  • Start medication for symptoms

Case 3

  • 60yo, incontinence, T2DM + HTN, normal UEC

  • Nocturnal enuresis = bad

  • Decrease weight

  • Decrease caffeine

  • Treat T2DM

  • Consider anticholinergic

  • Urine MCS to exclude haematuria

  • Ultrasound



