

  • DANC (Duffy-null Associated Neutrophil count) - inherited benign neutropenia in individuals of African descent and certain other ethnic groups

  • Familial Neutropenia

  • Congenital

  • Infection

  • Medication

  • Nutritional

    • B12, Folate, Copper

  • Haematological malignancies

    • Large granular lymphocyte leukaemia

    • Hairy cell leukaemia

  • Rheumatological

    • Rheumatoid arthritis

    • SLE

  • Autoimmune neutropenia

  • Aplastic anaemia

  • Chronic idiopathic neutropenia


FBC with differential count should be repeated to confirm the level of Absolute Neutrophil Count

The common causes of isolated mild neutropenia in adults are

  • DANC

  • Dose-dependent drug-induced neutropenia

  • Infections usually viral

Less common causes

  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • Rheumatology

  • Haematology e.g. myelodysplasia

Other accompanying abnormalities

  • Esoinophilia and/or basophilia

    • Drugs reaction

    • Allergy

    • Infection especially parasites

    • Cancer

  • Lymphocytes

    • Lymphocytosis e.g. Leukemia

    • Lymphopenia e.g. immunodeficiency

  • Anaemia

    • Haemolytic anaemia - DIC, TTP

    • Anaemia of chronic disease

    • Macrocytic e.g. B12/Fol

    • Aplastic

    • Myeloplthisic disorders

  • Platelet

    • Thrombocytopenia e.g. DIC

    • Thrombocytosis

      • Infection

      • Inflammation


  • Active or prior infection or inflammatory process

  • Episodic aphthous ulcers and/or infections

    • Cyclic neutropenia

  • Previous malignancy

  • GIT disorders

    • IBD

    • Bariatric surgery

    • Liver disease

  • Infections

    • HIV, EBV, Parasites

  • Medications

  • Exposures

    • Diet e.g. Vegan

    • Alcohol

    • Organic solvents

    • Travel history

  • Family history.

    • Neutropenia

    • Bone marrow failure

    • Haem disorders

  • Ethnicity


  • Evidence of infection

    • Fever

    • Skin erythema, ulcers, fissures

    • Gingivitis, swelling, oral ulceration, dental pain

    • Abnormal respiratory exam

  • Findings to help determine the cause

    • Jaundice = liver

    • Joint swelling or bone pain = rheum, infection, malignancy

    • Rash = Rheum or drugs

    • Lymphadenopathy / splenomegaly = Malignancy

    • Neuro / Psych = B12, copper, alcohol, HIV

Peripheral blood smear:

  • Neutrophils

    • Toxic granulations or Dohle bodies = sepsis

    • Bilobed or dysplastic neutrophils = MDS or congenital

    • Hypersegmented neutrophils = megaloblastic = B12 / Folate

    • Immature myeloid cells = AML

  • Lymphocytes

    • Atypical = viral e.g. EBV, CMV

    • Smudge = CLL

    • Hair-like = Hairy cell leukemia

    • Azurophillic granules = LGL Leukemia

  • Red blood cells

    • Macro-ovalocytes = Megaloblastic anaemia

    • Fragmented cells = DIC

    • Tear drop-shaped = Myelophthisic

    • Spiculated = Liver

Blood tests:

  • Vitamin B12, Folate, Copper

  • LFT and then if needed HIV, Hep B +C

  • Coags

  • LDH, UEC

  • If febrile consider testing for infections if appropriate (EBV, HIV, Hep) or if clinically relevant (CMV, Toxo in pregnancy)

  • ESR/CRP may be useful

  • Only screen ANA, Anti-DNA, C3 C4 if symptoms


Unexplained Neutropenia - UTD


Travel Consult


Pregnancy Counselling