Travel Consult


  • Modes of transport

  • Activities (planned and potential)

  • Accommodation type

  • Length of travel

  • Countries and regions to be visited

    • Urban or rural areas

    • Elevation

  • Purpose of visit

    • Visiting friends and relatives

    • Work

    • Leisure

  • Age

  • Medical history

  • Traveller’s perception of risk

    • Past travel experiences

    • Attitudes and fears

For all travellers, assess the need to advise on the following:

  • Boosters or catch up doses of recommended vaccines (e.g. tetanus, measles, influenza)

  • Travel related vaccines (e.g. typhoid, hepatitis A, meningococcal)

  • Rabies prevention and pre or post exposure prophylaxis

  • Prevention of insect borne diseases, such as dengue, malaria, zika and chikungunya (e.g. antimalarial usage, preventing insect bites)

  • Prevention of tick borne diseases (e.g. Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis)

  • Measures to prevent, manage and treat food and water borne illness

  • Altitude sickness

  • Exposure to heat/cold/sun

  • Deep vein thrombosis prevention

  • Jet lag management advice

  • Prevention of sexually transmitted infections and blood borne viruses

  • Prevention of infection with parasites (e.g. schistosomiasis, hookworm)

  • Relevant outbreaks in travel destinations

  • Personal and traffic safety

  • Safety and good hygiene around animals

  • Travel insurance

  • First aid kit and emergency medication for common travel-related illnesses.


Bell's Palsy

